Includes services involving installation or repair of flooring, ceiling tiles, walls, doors and railings.

Services (15)

Ceiling - Leak

The ceiling is leaking.

Ceiling - Repair Plaster or Drywall

Ceiling needs to be repaired.

Ceiling - Stained Tile Needs Replacing

There is a stained ceiling tile.

Door - Bathroom Stall Door Needs Repairing

Bathroom stall door is not closing all the way, is broken, falling off the hinges, etc.

Door - Replace or Repair Seal

Door seal needs replacing or repair.

Floor - Repair Tile Grout

Floor tile grout is cracked, damaged or missing.

Floor - Repair/Replace Tile

Floor tile is cracked, damaged or missing.

General Fix It - Misc Tighten, Drill Hole, etc.

General Fix Items - Misc Tighten this or that, Drill Hole in Desk or Wall, etc.

Railing - Loose/Damaged Railing Needs Repair

The stair railing is loose or damaged.

Wall - Add/Replace/Repair Wall Trim Or Base

Wall trim needs to be replaced, repaired or is missing.

Wall - Patch or Repair Hole/Scuff In Wall

There is a mark or a hole in a wall.

Wall - Request to Paint

Request to have a wall painted within the college.