Loading Student Barcode Into PaperCut - Library Printer Scanner

When you first walk up to the printer, you can use your preferred user barcode (digital loaded on your phone in myCambrian or physical card you previously picked up) to scan and sign into the printers. This will allow you to release your jobs without having to manually type your credentials on the printer. 

If this is your first time using the scanner, you'll need to load your account onto your preferred barcode by completing the below steps:

  1. You'll notice the following screen when walking up to the printer:
  2. Scan your cellphone with your barcode displayed or your physical card to load it into the system for print release:
  3. You'll then notice that the screen information changes. It's now looking for you to associate your card with your account (this will only happen upon first login). You'll need to enter your Cambrian College network credentials that you use to sign into the Library computers (A00000001 (use your own student number) and password)
  4. You'll then be signed into the printer and will see any jobs that were sent to LIBRARY PRINTERS. It will show you exactly how many jobs you have pending. You can choose to print all, but we recommend selecting "Print release" so you can confirm the jobs are configured properly:
  5. Please ensure that the amount of copies, the duplex settings (1 or 2 sided), and the colour settings are correct at this screen. You can then release the jobs.
  6. Select "Device functions" to access the copier/scanner modes.
  7. Always make sure you sign out before walking away from the printer
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