Using TradesMobile Streaming

This will be a step by step guide in streaming using the GoPro, Apple iPod, Mobile TV and Computer.

Check List


Plug in the power cable

Turn on the small computer mounted to the back of the screen.

Log into the computer as you would any other college computer.


Turn on gopro


Ensure the iPod is connected to Cambrian Wifi

Open GoPro Quik App on the iPod

tap go pro tab on the bottom right

tap Live Stream on the top left corner

tap youtube

sign in with google account if asked, then allow after - password given to staff

ensure connect to network says "IT PSK"

ensure share to says "Unlisted"

Edit the stream title and description based on the content you'll be presenting

Resolution 720P

lens Wide

save a copy, off

Tap Set Up Live Stream

Tap go live

You should now be Live on the stream, note there is a delay.

ON THE TV / COMPUTER - double click the live stream link on the desktop

later date - start, streaming software - go

FInd the currently live stream, click the 3 dots, to get a shareable link, paste that link into a new browser.

when finished with the stream, click the square box outlined in red on the ipod in go pro quik app


Turn off go pro and ipod to preserve battery


Article ID: 7442
Mon 11/6/23 10:39 AM
Wed 12/20/23 10:03 AM