Report a Phish Button Instructions for Outlook Mobile

If you have interacted or clicked on any suspicious links, please call the IT Service Desk immediately at x7370


Report a Phishing Email via the Report a Phish Button for Outlook Mobile App

Cambrian College employees are frequent targets of phishing attacks. You, the user, have an important role to play in keeping data that you have access to safe from compromise.


1. As soon as you suspect that you received a phishing email, report it immediately by clicking the "Report Phish Button" in Outlook Mobile app. 

Android iPhone

Click on the 3 dot menu on the email

Click on the 3 dot menu on the email.

Swipe up to reveal the full menu

Click on Report a Phish

Click on Report a Phish


2. A dialogue box will then open asking for some information about the suspicious message:

Why are you reporting this email?

I think it’s spam: select this option if the message is unsolicited marketing or propaganda and there does not appear to be a malicious link or attachment. We will review these reports routinely and action remediation as necessary.

I think it’s malicious and/or phishing: select this option if the message appears as though there is malicious intent, contains warnings of negative consequences if you don’t click on included links or open attachments immediately, or contains any other indications that it was sent from a potential attacker. We will mobilize our cyber security team to investigate immediately to minimize any damage that could occur from the potential attack.

Have you interacted with this email before reporting?

Selecting “Yes” will alert us that we should reach out to you immediately to run scans on your workstation, determine if your account has been compromised, and other remediation steps to ensure that your account and data that you have access to is secure.
**If you selected "Yes", immediately reach out to the IT Service Desk at 705-566-8101 ext 7370 to alert us of the situation after reporting.

If there are any other details you think we should know concerning the message you are reporting, please include your notes in the additional comments field.


3. Click “Report Email” to send the report to the IT Service Desk.

4. Finally, click “Close and Delete” to move the message to your Deleted Items folder and you're set!

If you are unable to see the Report a Phish button:

You can forward any suspicious email to and it will follow the same path as the Report a Phish button, you will just be unable to add comments until the ticket is created. 

Reporting suspicious emails helps prevent your data from being compromised and keeps Cambrian College information systems secure.

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Article ID: 4658
Thu 11/24/22 3:39 PM
Tue 4/25/23 12:14 PM