Skype for Business - How to call Internationally

By default users may not have access to dial international long distance, if this is required for your job please have your manager submit this form: to get you setup.


To call an international number:

You will have to manually dial the number in Skype for Business or your device, redialing an international number may not route correctly.

To dial you have start with 011 then enter the 2 or 3 digit country code then the rest of the phone number.

For example if you are calling Helsinki International Airport in Finland the number would be:

011 (international access code)

358 (Finland Country Code)

200 14636 (the rest of the number)


Giving us 011 358 200 14636

If you are unsure of country or area codes, or need help composing the number you can use 


Article ID: 4139
Tue 7/19/22 4:25 PM
Wed 7/20/22 11:03 AM