How do I book a tutoring appointment?

To make a tutoring appointment, create an account on Cambrian's TutorOcean site:

  • Navigate to the sign-up page:
  • Select "Sign up as Student" and click “Log in with school credentials”. Enter your Cambrian student credentials to log in ('A'
  • Search for Professional Tutors or Student Tutors who cover the subjects/courses in which you would like tutoring.
  • When you find a tutor who covers the subject you are looking for help with, click on their profile, review their calendar under the “Availability” section, and select an open time slot.
  • Fill in your details on the booking screen; then, click the “Book Session” button in the bottom right corner.

Please ensure you have reviewed the Program Expectations and Policies before using our tutoring services.

If you are having trouble logging into the TutorOcean site, please refer to the Student Support Portal for information on how to reset your Office365/Cambrian email password.

If you need technical support with the TutorOcean platform, please refer to the TutorOcean Help Centre or use their online chat for assistance.