Google Chrome
If you are signed into the Google Chrome browser you can simply sign into the browser on your new system and sync your settings.
Export Bookmarks:
Click the three-dots menu at the top of the browser, select Bookmarks and Bookmark manager:

Click the three-dots in the Bookmark Manager window

Select Export bookmarks

Select where you wish to save the Bookmarks and click OK (if you are transferring these bookmarks to a new system you will need to upload the file to OneDrive or a USB stick)
Import Bookmarks
Click the three-dots menu at the top of the browser, select Bookmarks and Bookmark manager:

Click the three dots in the Bookmark manager window

Select Import Bookmarks

Select the file you previously exported and click Open
Exporting Passwords
Click the three dots at the top right of your browser and select Settings

In the search bar type passwords select Passwords

Click the three-dots next to Saved Passwords

Select Export Passwords... when prompted with a warning click Export passwords...

When prompted to provide a password by Windows Security enter your network password (the one you used to sign into the computer)

Select where you want to save the file and click save (if you are transferring the password to a new system save the file to OneDrive or a USB stick)
Import Passwords
Open Chrome and click the three dots at the top right corner
Type chrome://flags in the address bar, type password import in the search bar and change the flag to Enabled for Password import

Restart your browser, go back to Passwords under settings and click the three-dots next to Saved Passwords

Select Import from the drop-down

Select the file you previously saved and click Open