How to Record in Zoom and Share the Recording with Students

Recording Zoom Meetings

While on a call, press “Record” on the bottom of the screen.

  • Click “Record to the Cloud”.

Screenshot of the Zoom meeting settings with the Record button circled and an arrow pointing to the record to the cloud option.

  • Proceed with your class or meeting.

  • Once your meeting is finished, click “Stop Recording” and then “End Meeting”.

Log into ZoomFollow these instructions to sign into Zoom.

Navigate to Recordings:

On the left-hand menu, click Recordings and Transcripts under the Personal section.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Copy the Recording Link:

Once you locate the recording you want to share click the Share arrow.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

In the pop-up window:

Click the Copy link and Passcode.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Access Your Course in Moodle:

Navigate to the course where you want to share the recording and scroll to the bottom of the section you want to add the recording to.

Add a Link to the Recording:

Turn Editing On (Radio button in the top-right corner).

In the appropriate section, click Add an activity or resource.

Select URL from the list of options and click Add.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Enter the Recording Details:

Name: Provide a clear title, such as "Lecture Recording - [Date]".

External URL: Paste the Zoom recording link.

Description: Remove the passcode from the paste output in the External link section and add it to the Description.

Check the box to Display description on course page.

Scroll down and click Save and return to course.