As part of our efforts to improve the security and integrity of our corporate communications, please be advised that, beginning 1st August 2024, staff will no longer have the ability to create inbox rules to automatically forward or redirect emails received by corporate mailboxes ( to external email addresses (,,, etc.). Users will still be able to manually forward individual emails for legitimate business purpose.
Why is the Change being implemented ?
Forwarding corporate emails to personal accounts poses significant security risks to the organization. It increases the likelihood of sensitive information being exposed to unauthorized individuals, potentially compromising our organization’s data confidentiality. Also, this practice is strictly prohibited under Cambrian College’s IT Acceptable Use Policy
What will be the Error Message from a User Perspective?
If a user has external forwarding rules setup (example through OWA, or Outlook rule), they will receive this message in their inbox when the rule attempts to forward and is blocked:

They will need to turn off their forwarding rule to stop receiving this message.