Skype for Business - Clear Cache


How to clear your Skype for Business Cache


How to clear your cache in Skype For Business. This can alleviate issues with contacts not appearing properly, stale entries, and old conversation notifications.

  1. Sign out of Skype for business ether by using the gear icon in the top right, selecting File then Sign Out or right clicking the Skype icon in the system tray and selecting sign out.
  2. Click, delete my sign-in info
  3. Close Outlook.
  4. Navigate to your local AppData Folder "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Lync"
  5. Delete the folders that contain your sign-in information they will resemble ""
  6. Delete all files in the "Tracing" folder
  7. Open Outlook and then sign back into Skype for Business.