Printing a Moodle Quiz


Follow these instructions to create a paper copy of your quiz.


Hide the Quiz

To ensure your quiz is hidden from students, locate your Quiz on the front page of your Moodle course and click Edit > Hide to the right of the Quiz.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Disable Respondus LockDown Browser

Moodle cannot print a quiz if Respondus LockDown Browser is enabled. You will need to disable Respondus LockDown Browser for the quiz by navigating to the Respondus Dashboard. After disabling it, return to your quiz and proceed with the

Adjust the Quiz Layout Settings

Adjust the settings so that all questions are displayed on one page. Next to the Quiz, click Edit > Edit settings.

Under the Layout heading, select ‘Never, all questions on one page’ next to the New page menu.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Save changes.  Saving that change moves all questions onto one page.

Adjust the Review Options Settings (Optional)

This step is only necessary if you want to view the correct answer for each question. 

If printing a quiz without correct answers, skip to Step 4.

To preview and print the correct answers for all questions, adjust the Review Options. 

In the Quiz settings, under the Review Options heading, click to enable The attempt and Right answer in three columns: “Immediately after the attempt”, “Later, while the quiz is still open”, and “After the quiz is closed”.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Save changes.  Saving this change will show you the correct answer for all questions after you submit a preview.

Preview and Print your Quiz

Next, start a preview of the Quiz. This can be done by selecting the Preview option from the Administration menu.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Click Start Attempt, and you will see all questions visible on the screen.  If you only want to print the questions (without correct answers) you can print this screen.

Optional step: To view correct answers, click Finish attempt then Submit all and finish. You will then see all questions and the correct answers visible on the screen. (You can also collapse the blocks on the right-hand side of the screen by clicking the burgundy > arrow.)

Use your browser’s print options to print the page. For most browsers pressing ctrl+p (or cmd+p on a Mac) will load the print menu.

  • To print a paper copy: Select your printer from the menu and print from the menu, as you usually would.
  • To save a PDF copy: Select “Save as PDF” from the printer menu and save your test as a PDF.

Revert Settings to Desired Settings

After you print your quiz, revert Quiz to the intended settings.

  • Remember to adjust the Layout settings (see Step 2) to the desired number of questions per page and click “Repaginate now.”  This will adjust the number of questions per page.
  • Adjust the Review Options if needed (see Step 3) so students only see what is intended upon completing their quiz.  For example, you may want to remove the options for them to see the right answers.
  • Save changes to apply the settings.
  • If you disabled Respondus LockDown Browser earlier, you can enable it again in the Respondus Dashboard, after you’ve printed your quiz.
  • Note that drag and drop, image hotspot, and calculated questions will not print correctly. These question types will need to be manually transferred to a Word document before printing.



Article ID: 11374
Wed 12/11/24 11:55 AM
Fri 1/24/25 11:46 AM